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  • Writer's pictureCassie Fraser

The Rewarding Recap | Week of July 2nd, 2023

We had another scorcher of a week here to ring in the new month which means another week of slow going on the training front, but lots of baths and time spent in front of the fans!

It certainly was not a bad thing, however. It gave me plenty of time to slow down and either work on other back burner projects or to truly rest - something that can be incredibly hard for me to do!


This week's "We're Not Really Strangers" prompt was "If you could get to know someone in your life on a deeper level, who would it be and why?"

I honestly really had to think about this one! In a way, I could have easily answered "everyone!" because I am still constantly learning new things about the people I already am close to like my husband, parents, and best friends (including Annie!). I truly think it's quite naïve to believe that you will ever fully know someone since we are all constantly growing and changing, and all at different rates and in different directions.

That said, I ended up landing on my barn owner for the answer to this prompt! We already have a good relationship, but we don't always have time to chat when we see each other in passing at the barn. However, when we do, I always learn something new about her that I may have never guessed so I'd really love the chance to get to know her on a deeper level.

What I thought was interesting, was that a few people responded to the prompt that they'd like to get to know their trainers better! You spend hours with these people and put so much trust in them yet you might not even know what their favorite food is or what they like to do outside of the barn. That, or you might not know what their perspective is on certain equine-related topics that might fascinate you or allow you to learn something new that doesn't come up in your time together.

This prompt is just such a good reminder that we can always get to know someone better than we do right now! And if we don't get to know them like we'd like to now, we may not get the chance to later.


Another slow week here on the Annie front due to the heat! I so feel for those of you who endure this all year round and at temps even higher, or air quality even poorer. I will always err on the side of caution when it comes to working with horses in the heat and humidity, and now even more so with the added threat of nasty air quality.

I'm not sure if this comes from getting older or what, but I just don't see the point in putting anyone's health at risk when it can be avoided. I've also experienced heat stroke at a horse show when I was younger and have asthma, making me keenly aware of how the weather conditions play a direct role in our ability to simply function, let alone perform. I'm totally fine stepping back and choosing to hose off and hang out with Annie for safety's sake.

I was able to sneak in a great bareback ride at the beginning of the week, however! And I will say, one of the coolest things about actually talking to your horse and using the same language around them consistently is seeing how they react. It was a bit hot that day but not yet over a heat index (temperature + humidity %) of 150 so I wasn't totally committed to riding even though I wanted to. I decided to ask Annie! I was standing in front of her as she was relaxing on the cross ties after I'd groomed her. I simply asked her, "Do you want to ride today?"

And I'll be darned if she didn't perk up and step right up to me without the bridle or bareback pad as a target (her foundational riding consent cues)!

She then reaffirmed her decision by targeting her minimal tack and we had such a great little ride, walking around the arena at her pace and until she chose to bring me back to the mounting block to let me know she had had enough.

I think like many of my fellow empathetic equestrians, I sometimes question if horses enjoy being ridden. And especially if your horse has had physical or emotional barriers to riding in the past that could potentially still cause them pain and/or stress. But I really do believe that when you truly listen to them, take your time, and make riding rewarding for them, they can be so generous with this unique gift that connects us.

That isn't to say that all horses are suitable for or enjoy being ridden, but I also don't think that we need to commit ourselves to the absolute that riding them is bad. There are certainly ways to mentally and physically prepare our horses for riding and maintain that under saddle that greatly reduce what we know to be negative impacts on their minds and bodies. We just need to respect their thoughts and opinions as a true partner, and not treat them as mindless, empty robots.

Empowering Observations:

  • Take some time to get to know the people in your life a little better! Whether it be your trainer, partner, or best friend, there is and always will be something new you can learn about them. Strike up a conversation and ask the deep questions - you might be surprised by what you learn!

  • Riding can be just as enjoyable for your horse as it is for you. But you have to be open to their feedback about it! This means being aware of any signs of tension or anxiety before you tack up, as you're getting ready to mount, and all throughout the ride so you can address their small concerns before they spiral into something bigger. It also means making riding a positive and rewarding experience for them, like you hope it will be for you.

Things I'm Loving This Week

  • With it being so hot, I'm the first to forgo saddling in favor of riding bareback! For some extra padding, I LOVE using the ThinLine bareback pad! They're not the cheapest out there but with good reason. They fit the horses well and are super comfortable to ride in with the added shock protection layer for both horse and human. I also like that it's super easy to swap out the cinch that comes with it (because I honestly don't like it, that's my ONLY con about this pad) for my own!

  • In addition to battling the elements, we've also been battling the freaking bugs! My go-to fly spray is Tri Tec 14 because not only do I feel like it really works to repel the bugs, but it also includes sunscreen which is always a plus with Annie's black coat. You can also almost always find coupons for it on the manufacturer's (Farnam) website, too!

Equestrian Reflection

Journal Prompt: My intuition has felt the strongest with my horse when I was...

My intuition has felt the strongest with my horse when I was alone with her, fully present, had cleansed and grounded my energy, and when both of our basic needs were met so that we were both fully focused. This has happened in training sessions, but it often feels the strongest when I am practicing energy/body work or simply hanging out in the pasture with her. I have also found a new appreciation for connecting with Annie from a physical distance so that I am not tempted to search her physical body for clues.

Affirmation: My intuition always knows the right answer.

Equestrian Oracle

Theme for the Upcoming Week

Embrace Change

Sometimes change can feel scary, like you are shifting your identity, moving on to the next chapter of your life and simply don't know what will happen next. The fear side of you wants to keep you safe and protected by keeping you small, but you know that this isn't serving you.

Deep down, there is a vision inside of you that your soul wants to chase, it wants you to shine, but you can't help but feel held back. You feel torn between these two parts of you; the one that wants to flourish and the one that wants to keep you safe, and it is honestly so debilitating trying to balance it all. It's like you are moving one step forwards and two steps backward all of the time. It is exhausting.

This card is calling you to integrate these two parts of yourself and embrace change in your life. You don't have to hold yourself back. All you need to do is reassure your fear side that you will do everything you can to mitigate what you are worried about happening from happening. Then you simply comfort yourself with the fact that you are good enough so you can move forwards and shine.

It's time for you to embrace the change that is present in your life. Welcome it with open arms and trust that it will be the best thing for you.

*The Equestrian Reflection and Equestrian Oracle cards are courtesy of Felicity Davies and can be purchased directly from her here. Full transparency - I receive no financial gain from sharing these, I just love them and find them to be helpful on this journey!


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