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The Rewarding Recap | Week of May 21st, 2023

Writer's picture: Cassie FraserCassie Fraser

I'm enjoying every minute of the long weekend which is why I'm writing this so late but this past week was pretty good! The major highlights are that I started level one of the Intuitive Equestrian program and that I got a good amount of high-quality time in with Annie despite going to the barn one day less this week. With the start of this new class, I can't help but bring my new insights and skills to the barn and apply them, leading to some pretty interesting experiences already.

My other highlight was simply that I started up a "game" on Wednesdays where I'll be posting a prompt from the "We're Not Really Strangers" card game and allowing people to share anonymous responses. The first prompt this week was "What is a compliment your wish you received more often?" The root of everyone's responses was that we all just want to be seen for who we are and what we bring to the table. This inspired me to make a point of trying to compliment people more often moving forward and I hope you do, too!

Now, without further ado, I'll share my thoughts + discoveries from my first week of class and my Annie update!


So full transparency - I'm still working through some personal doubts around taking a course on intuition because I still have a fear that I am not good at "this stuff". That being said, I'm going into this with an open heart and an open mind. I know no matter what happens, I'll get whatever it is I need by trusting my gut to take this class.

Our first call was really cool, many of us in the group share similar experiences and immediately started sharing on a pretty deep level. That was super powerful and really set the tone for the group - in a good way! It came up pretty quickly the next day that many of us were feeling a lot of stuff come up already and so we ended up having a bonus call that brought up a lot for me for sure.

In that call I really recognized that I give so much empathy to the horses and people that I work with and want them to feel safe enough to express their full range of emotions, however I don't always give myself the same freedom to do the same myself. It's like I don't want to feel "too happy" because then it won't last and something bad must happen or I can't feel "too sad" because I don't want to bring anyone else down. This results in a relatively neutral state. And on that, Felicity brought up a great point that when we cut ourselves off from wanting to feel the two extremes of the emotional spectrum, we still feel the lows - so what's the point of keeping ourselves from the highs!

It was great to then dive into the first week of coursework and meditations. I've already made a ton of notes and have been enjoying the range of meditations.

Being able to take my new knowledge of anything to the barn and see how Annie reacts to it is always interesting because I know right away if I'm on the right track or not. Well I can definitely say we're on the right track by pursuing The Intuitive Equestrian after my first energy cleanse with her!

I had brought Annie into one of the round pens at the barn on Thursday after I had followed the meditation to cleanse my own energy. I ended up listening to the meditation to cleanse her energy twice because the first time around I ended up being distracted by her asking me kindly to scratch her. Interestingly enough, she was often asking to be scratched (she will move herself where she wants me to go!) in the area that I was visualizing cleansing.

I decided to listen to the meditation again since I worried I was too distracted the first time around. I directed Annie to the hay I had set out in the round pen with us and I sat on the ground on the opposite side of the round pen to give her space. I then started up the meditation again. Shortly after it starts I'm instructed to call Annie's energy forward, to which I say in my head, "Annie can you come to me." And I cannot make this up and I swear I didn't move or say anything out loud, but she stopped eating her hay and walked over to me.

Imagine the look on my face! I literally could not believe it happened. What was funnier was that I got this sense that she was kind of laughing at me. It was like she had been waiting for me to catch on to this part of our connection and I finally did. So if this was just week one and that happened, I cannot wait to see what happens next!


As for Annie's training, we really had a great week including the aforementioned moment of complete energetic connection. We made great progress on her conditioning work as evidenced by her greatly improved canter departs in her groundwork! She's so much more balanced in her body making it less anxiety-inducing for her to move up into the canter.

Lack of balance is huge source of anxiety that a lot of horse people inadvertently overlook. Asking a prey animal to be off balance is a threat to their safety. If they go into a movement (and it doesn't have to be a canter depart, this applies to things as simple as you asking for them to pick up a foot) and they're at all off balance, plenty of horses will immediately try to right themselves.

People take this personally or like the horse is doing something wrong by pulling their foot back or leaning into a circle. In reality, they're just trying to adjust or use their bodies so that they feel as balanced as possible (safe) using whatever they have in that moment.

That's also why our ridden work has just been a lot of walking so she can readjust to balancing herself with me on her. Right now, I'm working on getting her really balanced on straight lines and 90 degree turns before we work on circles - another often overlooked piece of training. So many horses and riders are not balanced on straight lines and wonder why their circles are a problem!

It's also been good for me to get more saddle time in. Significantly more of our relationship has happened on the ground so I'm still also getting to know her in this way, which is exciting. I admit it's also still a bit anxiety-inducing for me because occasionally I do think back to the early falls I have had off of her even though I know she isn't that horse anymore.

I think a big part of this in simply because I'm much more aware of my own mortality than I used to be - especially because I mostly ride alone. But I know that it's better for me to own my feelings and present them as they are rather than trying to shove them down because horses see right through that act - another reason I think we love them so much!

Empowering Observations:

  • We all just want to be seen! And I think the best way to help others be more open with sharing praise and compliments with others is by doing it ourselves. I'd love to challenge you to compliment at least one person this week to let them know you see them.

  • Give yourself the grace you give your horse. This is a lesson I'm constantly coming back to and it's honestly the best way I can get myself to walk the walk. Whether it be by allowing yourself to rest, or to take the time you need to feel comfortable with something, or to feel and process your emotions how you need to, treat yourself with the compassion that you would show your horse if they were facing something similar. You deserve it!

  • Balance = Safety for horses. It's really that simple! There is also two major factors in developing a horse's balance. The physical component to developing your horse's body to support their balance through the range of movements you're asking of them. And there is trust component to developing your horse's belief that you will keep them safe if you ask them to be off balance for whatever reason. Make sure to develop both!

Things I'm Loving This Week

  • With Annie being in the swing of conditioning work, I take extra steps to keep her body comfortable. One way I do that is by supporting her using Absorbine CoolDown. First off, I love that this formula is herbal! The other major thing that I love is that it comes as a concentrate so you can dilute it making the 32oz. container a steal. I dilute it with water in a spray bottle and use it as a liniment.

  • The other product I love that falls into the same category of supporting Annie's physical health is Sore No More Poultice. I use this all-natural poultice mostly on Annie's hocks and fetlocks with good results in that Annie seems to move more comfortably when I use it after heavier conditioning sessions. I also appreciate that I can basically set it and forget it!

Equestrian Reflection

Journal Prompt: I am so proud of myself for...

I'm so proud of myself for constantly seeking answers. For being willing to try things just to see what they teach me for better or worse. For learning to set boundaries. For always trying to take care of myself and the people (and animals!) I love to the very best of my ability. For being as open and honest as possible. For sticking with the things that I know I need and for letting go of what I don't. For working my butt off for my dreams. For learning to trust myself.

Affirmation: I am an amazing person with a beautiful heart and caring soul.

Equestrian Oracle

Theme for the Upcoming Week

Stay Connected

As human beings, we crave connection, yet it is often the first thing we let go of when we feel like something isn't working in our life. You might experience something and decide to push others away because you feel like you aren't good enough, feel guilty for letting others down, or you just don't want to burden anyone with what you're going through.

This card is calling you to remember that isolating yourself isn't going to be the best thing to help yourself or anyone around you through this time, but instead, you must stay connected. Connected to your thoughts, feelings, emotions, and also connected to others around you that you feel safe with.

So how can you allow yourself to stay connected or if you feel isolated or have detached yourself from a situation, reconnect? Journal through it, talk it out, or sit with your horse and open up. You are not alone, and your loved ones (including your horses) want to help you through these moments. It will be ok.

*The Equestrian Reflection and Equestrian Oracle cards are courtesy of Felicity Davies and can be purchased directly from her here. Full transparency - I receive no financial gain from sharing these, I just love them and find them to be helpful on this journey!


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